Plan ahead and beat rising pricesNobody wants their family to face money worries in the future. A Funeral Plan lets you fix the cost of the funeral director’s services included in your plan at today’s prices. Even if prices rise in the future, once your plan is paid for, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing there’ll be nothing more to pay for these services - and that’s guaranteed.
Each of our plans include an allowance towards third party costs. These are the costs for essential, non-funeral director services required to carry out a cremation or burial. The funeral director cannot control these costs, and these fees need to be paid at the time of the funeral.
Your money is safe and secure
Payments for your funeral plan are paid into the Golden Charter Trust* which is run by a Board of Trustees. The Trust is completely independent of Golden Charter. The Trustees are chosen for their skills and experience, and safeguard the payments made by the plan holders. They make sure all future payments can be made, which means Gold Charter Trust can guarantee the funeral director services included in your plan.
*This excludes the fixed monthly payment option where money is paid into a UK life assurance company and managed by them
A smart alternative to saving
With the rise in funeral costs outstripping inflation and interest rates, there's no guarantee that, when the time comes, your bank or building society savings will cover the cost of your funeral. Over 50s insurance policies usually pay out a fixed sum, but don't guarantee to cover your funeral director's costs in the future. With either of these options your family may need to make up the shortfall to pay for your funeral or wait until assets from your estate are available. Our funeral plans guarantee to pay for the funeral director's services covered by your plan at the time they are required.